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Lovers on a Rocky Beach

The Dating Incubator

Ready to hatch a new love or fall deeper in love with yourself?


an enclosed apparatus providing a controlled environment for care and protection, and to aid in the emergence of a new life form.

Dating and singledom can be a source of personal growth, enlightenment, and fun or a source of pain, discouragement, and hardening of the heart and soul... your choice!


My years in both natural healthcare and coaching have taught me one consistent lesson;


Plain and simple but not so easy, not unless you have the guidance of someone who knows the ailment, someone who's had the same condition, the same experience,

and, most importantly... knows the cure.

How we'll journey together...

Weekly Group Coaching

Each week we'll dive into 1 of 7 modules prepared to take you from the very conception of yourself and where you may be stumbling in dating and love, to the deepest truths of your amazing loveable self!

Group Support & Learning

You can never underestimate the power of a group. When one or more are gathered with the joint intention of healing, miracles can occur - I've seen it. Often you are being coached as others are being coached. This group of curated women will create a powerful vortex of healing.


This is a self-paced program, meaning there are no deadlines or loads of homework, although the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. As long as you show up each week you can work at your pace... everyone will be at a different level and that's welcome. No pressure, just the peace of mind of knowing you have a highly trained health and mindset professional in your back pocket.

Love Well 9-1-1 Access

Using VOXER, a simple and user-friendly voice recording app, you'll have private access to me between calls. From Monday to Thursday during business hours I'll take your private queries and concerns and coach you out of your blind spots and flare-ups.

Low Membership Fee

Working 1:1 is not always accessible and frankly not always the right offering. This group is designed to make these lessons and healing available to more women. For some, you may need a more intimate 1:1 setting but are not sure you want to commit, I get it. This is a great sample of how we'll work more closely together in private.

No Long-Term Comittment

Three or six months of coaching can feel like a lot sometimes. The truth is most people don't need or want this level of support. Committing long term to anything can get you the best result, yes, this is true. However sometimes you just need support-lite, or you're not ready to dive in that deep and that's okay.

Couple Visiting London

How do I know if this is for me?

  • You don't need a lot of hand-holding, and you're not in victim-mode, you can take teachings and insights and run with them!


  • You're ready to do the work and show up for yourself in ways you haven't been able to do in the past


  • You're ready to end cycles of codependence, abandonment, neglect, and betrayal and get vulnerable and real


  • You are newly broken up, fabulously single - and loving it, or have taken a vow of celibacy or feel just plain lost when it comes to dating and navigating early relationships


  • You consider yourself spiritual and want to learn how to apply this to dating and becoming 'consciously single' instead of self-consciously single.


  • You are not sure if you're ready for love again but know you need to address everything blocking you from having the love you crave

Think You're Ready?

Let's Chat

*This is a curated group of extraordinary women.
Program entry is by application only, done via a phone/Zoom Interview.

Couple on a Beach

Jillian K.

She brings an amazing combination of intuition, spirituality, knowledge, and humor to sessions, and creates a safe and supportive space to encourage growth.

© 2020 by Giovanna Capozza Coaching & Consulting Inc.

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